Tag Archives: washing yarn

Do you have a favorite spa treatment for yarn?

Sorry I have been gone so long from this blog. I have a BUNCH of stuff to share with you about things I’ve been doing in the studio, in the kitchen, in the garden … and … aah well, when I get behind like this, I just have to start somewhere. So it seems easiest to begin with what’s going on right now.

Finished knitting a shawl and getting ready to block it. Unicorn Fibre wash and rinse is my “spa treatment” for yarn. Makes the fibers sensuous, smell good (my hands, too! since I hand wash), and relax for the magic moment of spreading out the lace in all its beauty.

Here is the shawl afterwards in the salad spinner that I designate for fiber stuff (i.e. this salad spinner is ONLY used for fiber stuff; never used for food). A salad spinner is a gentle, yet efficient and “green” way to extract water, thus reducing drying time after the shawl is laid out for blocking.


Using a salad spinner to extract water and reduce drying time


Do you have a favorite spa treatment for yarn?

p.s. I can’t wait to share more details with you about this new shawl design. More on that soon.

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