Celebrate Spring drawing – multiple chances to win!

Let’s celebrate the upcoming start of Spring with a multi-prize drawing! Think spring cleaning as a spa treatment for your yarns and fibers, and the pleasure you will have when using Unicorn Fibre care products.

I have been meaning to tell you what a joy it has become to prepare yarn skeins for my kits since I was introduced to Unicorn a few of years ago. Not only am I providing my customers luscious-feeling yarn (and we all know how touchy-feely we knitters/crocheters can be), I love the way my hands smell from the fibre wash and rinse. Normally I would not like working with a scented product, but the light scent of Unicorn is subtle and smells refreshingly natural and clean.

And, oh boy, are the results fantastic. It’s like a spa treatment to enhance the softness and luster of your finest fibers and garments. I was so satisfied that I agreed to speak on behalf of Unicorn Fibre care products in an ad a couple of years ago (and as testimonial to using these products myself, my White Lotus Lace Shawl in Colinton Angoras yarn which received exactly the spa treatment I am describing here for softness and luster is pictured in the backdrop).

JackieES speaking on behalf of Unicorn Fibre care products

With the gracious and generous donation of Anna Carner of Unicorn Fibre care products, I am able to offer 3 prizes in this month’s contest drawing. Thanks Anna!

Just leave a comment here on the blog and/or on the HeartStrings FiberArts Facebook page about why you want to win. The more inventive or humorous your comment is, the more likely you will get ‘votes/likes’ from others. Read on to see how that will enhance your chances to win the grand prize. Here are some other tips:

  • Comment both on the blog here and the Facebook page, and you have a better chance to win.
  • The earlier the better, as there will be multiple drawings throughout the month for which you can be counted.
  • Share your comment with your friends and get “likes” for your comment. Each share and like will add to your contest entries for the grand prize at the end of the month.

Here’s the calendar and the prizes:

On March 15, 2012, a lucky winner will be randomly drawn from all comment entries so far and receive a Unicorn Fibre Wash & Rinse Gift Sampler Set.

Fibre Rinse & Wash Gift Sampler Set
Fibre Rinse & Wash Gift Sampler Set

On March 20, 2012 (which happens to be Vernal Equinox, the start of Spring), another lucky winner will be randomly drawn from all comment entries since the beginning of the contest and receive a Unicorn Fibre Wash & Rinse Gift Sampler Set.

And the Grand Prize will be awarded on March 31, 2012. The prize is the Unicorn Deluxe Fibre Wash & Rinse 16oz. Gift Set valued at $31. The winner will be the one with the highest tally of entries (taking into consideration that a like and share of a comment either here on the blog or on the HeartStrings Facebook page also counts as an entry). In the event of a tie, the winner will be chosen randomly from the top entries.

Deluxe Fibre - Wash & Rinse 16oz Gift Set
Deluxe Fibre - Wash & Rinse 16oz Gift Set


I’d love for you to win one of these. Be sure you have “liked” HeartStrings FiberArts on Facebook and that your email address was correctly entered when commenting here on the blog so I can contact you when you win and let Anna know to send out your prize right away!

Related Images:

96 thoughts on “Celebrate Spring drawing – multiple chances to win!”

  1. have always wanted to try this wash, but other than ordering on line, I can’t find it locally, so to win one would be so awesome! thanks

  2. So excited about  Unicorn Fibre Wash & Rinse Gift Sampler Set,  what an awsome way to take care of our wonderful woolens and smell so sweet as well!

  3. Maidens to spin, oh what a quandry!
    Shall it be llama or camel or sheep –
    Buffalo or musk ox would be a leap,
    And who ever knew Unicorns do laundry!
    Knitting magic comes true –
    Softness made just for you!

  4. I’ve just started using some really fine yarns and finished but hesitant to wash them though I really want to this would be ideal to pamper my llama and camel and silk fiber knits. I hope you pick me

  5. Nothing says Spring like the smell of freshly washed woolens.  This new Unicorn wash and rinse sounds like an awesome way to carry on this tradition.  It doesn’t seem to be available in my area so winning it would be fantastic!  Count me in  🙂

  6. I’m new to HeartStrings, But I love it.  I learned to knit and crochet in high school in 1957 but have been very busy ever since, colleg family, working(sometimes times several jobs or running a business), raising grand kids, having heart attacks, etc.  Now I want to knit and crochet again.  I have a large amount of old yarn collected over the years but now I see all your lovely new yarns and patterns and directions on the computer. I need to take classes again because I have forgotten nearly everything.  This is really exciting! Maybe I’ll win a prize and be able to care for whatever I knit properly.  Thanks HeartStrings for your emails.

    Barbara Marsh

    1. Congratulations, Barbara! You are the Celebrate Spring winner of this month’s 2nd random drawing for a Unicorn Fibre Wash & Rinse Gift Sampler Set. Obviously this must be a sure sign that you need to get back into knitting and crocheting.

      I’ll contact you via email to get your mailing address so that Anna of Unicorn Fibre can send out your prize to you asap.

  7. I’m so new to all of this – you would not believe how “small” my knitted items became when I started – my grandsons hamster even complained when we tried to put it on him.  Oh my, I’m learning lots.

  8. These really are the best fiber wash products!  Given that I use them quite a bit, more would be wonderful.  And I’ll put in an unsolicited plug for their Power Scour, too:  it’s the only thing I could find that would get the “dog stink” out of two recent batches of doggie fiber I planned to spin.

  9. Only a true fiber NUT would consider handwashing a spa-like luxury chore. But alas, I am one of those nuts so I know my knits would love a day at the spa too.

  10. This early spring has me itching to start the renewal of life. Plants, dust free cornes, cobweb free ceiling corners and sweet smelling knits. Have already started the seedlings and the spring cleaning. Would love to use this product to ‘spring clean’ my knits,

  11. Once upon a time the unicorn, the llama and the alpaca got together.  It was a hybrid!  Only the best Fiber wash and rinse could please these proud parents!  I would love to try some!  Thanks!

  12. Have not yet tried this product but have it on my bucket list…soon will be time to spring clean all the linens and wash the winter woolies to store for next year…looks like a great product.
     Oh that I should be
     a winner of this drawing.
     My spring will be fresh.

  13. We all know the luxurious feel of a treatment at a spa…..This would be perfect finish for a beautifully knitted item using my most luxurious yarn……what a wonder treat to relax the fibers and bring them to life.  I would cherish the opportunity to treat my garments to such luxury!!!

  14. I’ve needed to clean up my act for a long time. I’ve got so many lacy stoles, shawls and scarves adorning our guest room awaiting blocking that my DH refers to that room as “the farm.” So I could really use that fiber wash and rinse.

  15. My hands were dry from knitting, my yarn was such a mess,
    Than along came Jackie with her Unicorn wash and rinse…Oh Yes!!!

    I washed and I rinsed, my yarn got so soft.
    Oh, what sheen, what shimmer, what halo and loft!

    Now I only use Unicorn to care for my knitting,
    Because Jackie’s patterns are luscious, so it would only be fitting!

  16. I have yet to find a wool-wash product that doesn’t offend my delicate olfactory sensibilities.  If these products are aptly branded “Unicorn,” I would LOVE the opportunity to discover the answer to my conundrum!  The Unicorn is, after all, the poster-child for purity!


  17. I would love to win this!  My knitter’s hands are pretty dry and i could soak them along with my precious hand knits, softening both!

    1. Jessie – You are the winner of the 1st drawing for Unicorn Fibre care products! I’ll contact you by email to get your mailing address so we can send out your Fibre Rinse & Wash Gift Sampler Set. Congratulations! Thank you for entering and playing in our contest.

  18. Seeing as I have two kids, this may be the closest I ever get to petting a Unicorn!  I’d love to try this out.  Thanks for the opportunity.

  19. I would love to try this product for my knitted items.  I currently do not use anything special to wash them in.  I have heard of soaps/cleansers to watch hand knits in especially woolen ones and this would be so nice to have.  Thank you for this chance to win a great prize.

  20. What would be a better way to welcome the new season an say good-bye to my winter rough hands that to wash my (finally ) finished lace sweater in this lovely wash and rinse product.

  21. I have always used the leftover bits of hotel shampoo and conditioner for my hand knits. I guess it’s time to try something new, given “spring forward” and more light and all that. 

  22. While my yarn could use a treatment – as it is poorly neglected so to our my hands, nails and toes.  So should I win this fabulous prize – while my yarn is wallowing in it’s treatment I vow to do the same for my hands and feet!  Thanks for the opportunity – I would hate to see my hands and feet go another month with no treatment.

  23. Jackie, I have not had the pleasue of using any special product for washing my fibers; but if the chance occures, I will give it a try.  The way you describe the results really makes me excied to try the wash and rinse.

  24. Hi Jackie:  What a wonderful, practical prize.  I don’t have lots of room to wash and prepare fiber, although I have lots of fleeces – sheep and alpaca and llama – that need washing before I card and spin.  I work with an English professor who kindly gives me a full Tunis fleece each spring and I have other friends who are alpaca ranchers and whose lovely, named fleeces I buy each year.  This prize would be a great motivator to get my more than “3 bags full” of fleeces washed and ready for spinning!

  25. I received a small sample of both the Power Scour and the rinse and used it to clean some Alpaca I was spinning. While letting the fiber dry my kitty Charleigh who loves fiber went over to it and laid  in the middle of it throwing it on top of herself. I think she loved the smell of the clean fiber as much as I did. After I finished spinning it I soaked it in the rinse and it smells heavenly.

    1. MarieAnge J. Brouillard – You are the Grand Prize winner of the Celebrate Spring contest hosted by HeartStrings FiberArts. Please message or email me, Jackie Erickson-Schweitzer at jackie@heartstringsfiberarts.com as soon as possible to claim your prize of the Unicorn Deluxe Fibre Wash & Rinse 16oz. Gift Set. I will need your mailing address to so that Anna Carner Blangiforti of Unicorn Fibre can send your prize. Congratulations!

  26. Hi there Jackie! What a wonderful giveaway this is. I never ever used special yarn treatment stuff, so this might be a first.

    Have a nice weekend, all! Ciao, Fleur (Fleurtje-Eliza on Ravelry)

  27. I would love to use these on my beauuutiful yarn and fibers. I felt with roving and add bling and “curls” .. what a lovely product to try

  28. This is my year to purchase luxury yarns. New Year’s resolution to get at least one – two skeins a month all year. And luxury yarns deserve a luxury yarn wash, don’t you think?  I would love to win, my yarn will thank you!

  29. I have a small herd of rescued llamas. They need sheared every year. I got distracted, forgot to process the fiber for a couple years. Now I have a fiber MOUNTAIN in the barn that needs washed! I cringe thinking about it–however, if Fibre Wash is that fantastic, I might actually get the mountain broken down, and have glorious fiber to spin!

  30. I have some knitting that really really really needs to be cleaned but I don’t have anything that will not destroy all my hard work. Every time I turn around we lose another yarn shop but I’m not ready to lose my hard work

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