Halloween costume memories

Memories … memories. This picture is from Halloween many, many years ago.

That is me on the left (so happy to be a princess finally). On the right is middle sister dressed in the clown costume I was relegated to until I grew out of it (It was functional, though, because you could wear a jacket under the costume in cold weather — we were living in Chicago area at the time — nonetheless I hated that costume and was glad to hand it down!).

Obviously, youngest sister (in the middle) did not go tricker-treating that night (but isn’t she a sweetie?).

Love these memories, and I am sending special love to my sisters  tonight, too.

p.s. Yes, that is my real hair with those long curls.

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Happy Halloween Spooky Beaded Treat skull puzzle

Happy Halloween! I believe in treats rather than tricks, so here is a little something just for fun this Halloween day. I created an online puzzle using a detail stitch photo of the Spooky Beaded Treat skull.

Want to play? Click the picture below to start the puzzle and report back with your best time in putting the pieces back together again!

Best wishes to you and yours for a safe, spooky fun Halloween.

p.s. Spooky Beaded Treat Wristlets and Matching Socks pattern is available from stores and online download sites selling HeartStrings patterns.

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Glow in the Dark Yarn

Light up your knitting or crochet project with this fun accent yarn. 

I came across some of the Glow in the Dark yarn that I did not even realize I still had. Apologies to everyone who asked and I had told them I was sold out (because I thought I was!).

This is an especially popular request I get around Halloween time. I imagine it would make neat glowing snowflakes, too. Have you tried that?

Glow in the Dark Yarn
Glow in the Dark Yarn

Let me know if you want some. I’ll wind into center-pull ball(s) at no extra charge and get it out to you right away.

Glow in the Dark Yarn

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Lace Cross – my newest HeartStrings pattern

I wanted to share with you, my friends, a little announcement about Lace Cross, my latest HeartStrings pattern. This ornate cross can be used as a bookmark, communion gift, mounted and framed, or a thoughtful Christian token of friendship.

Lace Crosses (unbeaded to left, beaded version to right)
Lace Crosses (unbeaded to left, beaded version to right)

Right now, it is available as pdf or hard-copy pattern. I am thinking of offering as a kit, too. But first I’ll see if there is interest in kits or just the pattern where people can select their own yarn and (optional) beads.

These crosses work up very quickly. They are knitted as a wide lace strip and then shaped using an interesting seamless construction. The pattern includes both the basic set of instructions for the version without the beads, and also a beaded cast on version.

I’ll be announcing this new pattern in the upcoming November dealer newsletter, but wanted to give everyone a heads up earlier than that  for the gift-making and gift-giving season that we’re already getting into.

2-color Lace Cross
Lace Cross (cast on row and shape-as-you-go bind off in contrast color)


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Winner of the Schaefer Yarn … and a special coupon offer

I had good news to start off the weekend for the lucky winner of the random drawing for the Schaefer yarn that I blogged about last Saturday here. I’ve emailed Rose and already heard back from her to claim the prize. I’m just waiting for the mail pickup and Rose’s prize is on the way to her!

I hope you had as much fun with this as I did. I loved reading your ideas and suggestions about which HeartStrings pattern you like best that could be made in this yarn. It was really amazing all the variety of answers. If you posted early in the week and did not see the comments later in the week, take a browse through for additional ideas that you might not yourself have first considered.

As a thank you to everyone, originally I was planning to do a special coupon offer for the pattern mentioned in the winner’s comment entry. Actually, Rose included the names of 2 patterns in her comment –

“Such a lovely yarn. I think it would make a perfect Lace Leaves Scarf. The colors remind me so much of taffy though that I might have to make my first ever socks with your Pulled Salt Water Taffy Socks.”

Rather than using the first named pattern for the special coupon offer, I am feeling generous this lovely Saturday morning with the first hint of cool weather for our New Orleans area, and I am going to do the offer for either (or both) of those patterns, or others of your choice since there were so many good suggestions from everybody!

Here’s the deal:

Use Coupon Code HSFANOCT in the Ravelry Store for HeartStrings patterns at

and get 10% off when you purchase two or more HeartStrings patterns at the same time. You can use the coupon as many times as you want. Offer expires October 31, 2011. But don’t wait ’til then and forget.

And it’s fine to share this coupon with your friends on Ravelry, on Facebook, Tweet it, share it with your knitting groups, whatever.

I appreciate you introducing your friends to HeartStrings and spreading the word.

Thank you for being a fan of HeartStrings.
Happy knitting! Jackie E-S / HeartStrings FiberArts

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