My motto here at “Taking Time to Smell the Roses” is to take the opportunities we can to have a little fun now and then. There’s a good excuse today, because the folks over at have established Feburary 13th as Get a Different Name Day holiday. This is the day we may change our name to whatever we wish and have the right to expect colleagues, family and friends to so address us.
In case you have never thought about changing your name (even for a day) and are at a loss how to join in celebrating this holiday, check out this site — Fantasy Name Generator
The justification for today’s holiday is in part for those who hate the birth names they were given. For those in the U.S., you might find it interesting to see if your given name is on the list of Popular Baby Names for the year you were born. My given name is not, but I still found it interesting to check various years and see how names cycled in popularity.

So the story goes, here is how my parents picked a name for me. They thought I was going to be a boy (or maybe that was their wishful thinking?) and they had already picked out the name Jack (after my Mom’s brother Uncle Jack). So I guess they were back-peddling in the hospital to quickly come up with a derivative name for the little girl baby that the stork delivered instead, lol.
I don’t hate my birth name, but the uncommon spelling entered on the birth certificate has been a minor grief throughout my life. My legal first name is Jacquelin. That’s right, no ‘e’ on the end. You wouldn’t believe the countless legal documents I’ve had to send back for correction because invariably people want to add an ‘e’. “Jacquelin-without-the-e” became a well-rehearsed jingle.
Almost no one ever calls me Jacquelin. I go by Jackie. But my fantasy name is Nichole — or Nicky for short. So that is what you need to call me today, ok?
What’s your name for today?
p.s. Thanks to Thomas and Ruth Roy at Wellcat for permission to share this holiday with you.