With some TLC, the little plot of roses went from bedraggled to bountiful

Figuratively speaking, this blog is dedicated to “Taking Time to Smell the Roses”. Thanks to John, I now have actual roses to continually remind me of my goal in finding balance in life and rediscovering the simple things in life.
These roses were originally planted by the former owner of the house that John recently moved into. After being neglected for several months in the gap between home owners, the roses were struggling. In a few short weeks and some TLC, the little plot of roses went from bedraggled to beautiful buds and blooms. All because of John’s “green thumb” and seemingly natural ability to coax the roses on a quick journey to health again, we are enjoying their varied colors and smells.
I wish I had thought to take photos before the early cold front struck CO last week. Most photos were unusable because the wind was blowing so hard! But here are a few to remind me and you of the mild days of fall before winter really sets in.