How do you organize your knitting needles?
Although I love my Hiya Hiya needles (and the circular interchangeables even come in their own beautiful embroidered silk case), I have LOTS of other different needles collected over many years of knitting.
I used to keep my needles organized by size in individual zippered pencil pockets within a huge zippered binder arranged by size. When the binder got past the point of bulging and I was getting lazy about putting needles away (thus frustrating myself later with the wasted time to find what I needed for new projects), I created an organizer system from a metal merchandiser clip strip and velcro that I had on hand. The result can sort of serve as a piece of “wall art”, but I doubt it will get any awards. Anyway, it serves a purpose. And now there is room again in the binder for my other straight and double point needles. Yay!

For this circular needle organizer, I simply labeled the needle size with a marking pen on pieces of velcro, the needles are inserted through the layers of velcro and held by their cables, and inserted under the clip of the merchandizer strip.
The velcro holding all needles of a certain size is easy to unclip from the strip. That is handy for me because I like to try out a variety of needle compositions and lengths before making a selection to suit the particular yarn fiber and type of project I will be working on. When I have made my selection, I just re-clip the velcro strip holding the remaining needles.
Not only am I feeling more organized — the wall hanging makes quite a decorative conversation piece!
How do you organize your knitting needles and crochet hooks? Please share in your comments below or post under “This weeks question” at the HeartStrings FiberArts Facebook page.