Sort and Wash Mesh Bags
a.k.a “Fleece Piece Keepers”
I love to discover and re-purpose things that probably were never intended to use with my fiber addictions. That is why for this Twisted Tuesday, I want to tell you about these poly mesh bags and how they can be used with washing fibers for spinning, for dyeing, controlling balls of fine yarn, and with caring for your small accessory knits like socks.

These mesh bags are sort like the bags that onions are packaged in at the grocery. The difference is that these are reusable, hold up to heat, and are nonreactive to chemicals.
Just for fun, I dub them “Piece Fleece Keepers”. I’ve found so many uses for them, that I am not sure what other fun, all-inclusive name I might give them. I use them to:
- confine fiber and yarn in wash or dye baths
- preserve lock structure of fleece while washing or dyeing
- keep socks and other small items sorted in the wash and protected from excessive rubbing
- fold the bag over multiple times and use it as an ‘elastic’ cradle to control a center-pull ball of fine lace yarn

Best of all, they are low cost and re-usable.
For use in wash or dye baths, I just fill loosely and tie off the end with a temporary overhand knot. You could also lace with a cord near the top and pull that tight and tie off.

Looking for a cute gift-packing idea? Tie a mesh bag into a bow, and it makes a decoration that can be undone later for use. Both festive and useful!
There are some of of these mesh bags listed at Shopatron if you’d like a convenient source. They are available in packs of 6 bags. Your choice of either all white, or a color combo (2 each of yellow, red, and purple).
p.s. Since the bags are so cheap, the minimum Shopatron shipping is going to be quite a bit by comparison. So consider buying several, or purchase together with one or more of the yarn paks for HeartStrings patterns you might have been wanting to get. That way, the overall shipping cost will be spread out.