It’s a beautiful morning with clear blue sky and sunshine. Plenty of coffee. Nothing shouting for my immediate attention. What could be more perfect for a laid-back Sunday morning after catching my breath from a busy week?
I’d been meaning to show you the yarn bowl I picked up at an art market a couple of months ago. I love it when I have an excuse to support local artists. Isn’t it pretty?

I was first introduced to Sherry Lutz’s pottery a couple of months prior at the New Orleans Museum of Art Gift Shop where I saw her “Louisiana Seafood” gumbo bowls and purchased two. While strolling through the art market, I immediately recognized Sherry’s pottery and stopped to look at other pieces on display. I hardly needed any coaxing though, when I spotted some pieces in her “Leaves & Nature” which I had not seen before. And oooooh … looky there … a huge yarn bowl. Perfect. I LOVE it.
I actually took the pictures several weeks ago, but here it is when I was getting ready to knit another Red Hots Anklets sample model for the pattern I completed for publication just a few days ago.
You can see by the size of the bowl compared to the yarn that this bowl is nice and roomy. It will be great for using with some of those huge single balls of yarn that are enough to make a stole or shawl all by themselves. But most of all, I just enjoy looking at this pretty yarn bowl with its subtle coloring and delightful ‘leaves’ theme.