Deco-organizing a spindle collection

There’s nothing more cost-effective than decorating with items you already own. And there’s nothing more satisfying than organizing in a creative way. Put them together and you get “deco-organizing”.

"Deco-organizing" my spindle collection
"Deco-organizing" my spindle collection

Most people collect something and I am no exception. Just one of the many things I collect are spindles. I get weak when I see a lovely or unusual or just-needs-a-home spindle, and next thing I now, I have taken in another one. I’m not terribly good at spindle spinning; I just like to look at them and occasionally handle one now and then. They are my ‘little spinning friends” as compared to my larger workhorse spinning wheels. I love them all; just in different ways.

Anyway, it occurred to me to gather my collection together in a way that both gave me more enjoyment as well as out-in-the-open daily accessibility. What I’ve come up with here is not terribly earth shattering. Anyone can do it (and probably do it even better than my humble attempts). But as I said, it’s sort of fun to be able to look around at what you already have and let it do double-duty in the home decorating arena, all for no added cost.

Recycle a florist vase for holding longer spindles
Recycle a florist vase for holding longer spindles


An extra coffee mug holds some of my smaller spindles
An extra coffee mug (another thing I collect!) holds some of my smaller spindles


A large glass jar/vase holds larger/heavier spindles
A large glass jar/vase holds larger/heavier spindles


A garlic basket I handmade is displayed with some of my other special spindles
A garlic basket I handmade is displayed with some of my other special spindles

OK, I admit it — actually, this no-cost decorating scheme of mine is just a barely veiled rationalization that helps alleviate my inner guilt when I buy more spindles, lol.




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