Halloween costume memories

Memories … memories. This picture is from Halloween many, many years ago.

That is me on the left (so happy to be a princess finally). On the right is middle sister dressed in the clown costume I was relegated to until I grew out of it (It was functional, though, because you could wear a jacket under the costume in cold weather — we were living in Chicago area at the time — nonetheless I hated that costume and was glad to hand it down!).

Obviously, youngest sister (in the middle) did not go tricker-treating that night (but isn’t she a sweetie?).

Love these memories, and I am sending special love to my sisters  tonight, too.

p.s. Yes, that is my real hair with those long curls.

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Happy Halloween Spooky Beaded Treat skull puzzle

Happy Halloween! I believe in treats rather than tricks, so here is a little something just for fun this Halloween day. I created an online puzzle using a detail stitch photo of the Spooky Beaded Treat skull.

Want to play? Click the picture below to start the puzzle and report back with your best time in putting the pieces back together again!

Best wishes to you and yours for a safe, spooky fun Halloween.

p.s. Spooky Beaded Treat Wristlets and Matching Socks pattern is available from stores and online download sites selling HeartStrings patterns.

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