Birthday Club

May is my birthday month. And this year marks one of those significant milestones in life (but I’m not telling which, lol). To celebrate with you, I am starting a Birthday Club at the Jackie E-S / HeartStrings Fan Group on Ravelry.

HeartStrings pattern #A70 Knitted RibbonsJust be sure to have your birthday (month and day) entered into your Ravelry profile. Even if your birthday is not in May, enter it now if you have not already done so. That way you won’t forget when your birthday month comes up.

Continue to actively participate in the group throughout the year. Then sometime during your birthday month I will send a gift coupon for a HeartStrings pattern of your choice. Of course, we want to hear which one you decide on – do share!

Also, let your friends know about joining HeartStrings Fan Group on Ravelry. The more the merrier at the birthday party!

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