Thanks to Yvonne: Bunny pattern in Dutch and Swedish

I am pleased to introduce Yvonne Peelen-Pel for this week’s Friends of HeartStrings Gallery. Yvonne was born in the Netherlands and now lives in Sweden. She is studying at the university and wants to be a handcraft teacher. Until she has completed her studies, she said that she only does little projects. That is why she loved the Knitted Bunny so much. She said, “When I am ready for teaching young children to stitch, it would be a nice and easy project to do with them.”

It’s always great to hear enthusiasm like that. But that’s not all. Yvonne has translated the Knitted Bunny into Dutch and Swedish and offered it to all of us. It’s available now for free download along with the original English version (by me) and the Spanish version (translated by another HeartStrings friend, Paula Toledo) at the HeartStrings website.

Here are the translated patterns. (‘gebreid konijntje’ is in Dutch and ‘stickad kanin’ is in Swedish)

Many thanks to Yvonne for translating. Please comment here and send Yvonne some love and knitterly hugs.


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