Lace Maple Leaf Socks KAL

I am pleased that the 50 Socks Book Group on Ravelry chose my Lace Maple Leaf Socks (a.k.a. Canada Socks) for it’s March/April Knit-A-Long. I don’t want you to miss the opportunity to participate and enjoy the camaraderie of other knitters. The KAL is being held on Ravelry. During the entire time of the KAL, I’ll be around to answer questions or help in any way.

Lace Maple Leaf Socks is one of two designs I did for the CD book 50 Socks – 50 States published in 2009. The CD book is still available from Sirius Knitting Publications and Crystal Palace Yarns. Lace Maple Leaf Socks has now also been published as a individual pattern, and is available from HeartStrings dealers and the Ravelry Store.

Visit the official KAL group thread for the rules, prizes, and the place you’ll want to post progress pictures of your socks so that you can win free yarn, etc.

There is also a Chat thread to ask questions, talk about your yarn choices, etc.

Will we see you there? Thanks to Crystal Palace Yarns for sponsoring the KAL and donating prizes.

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