Mardi Gras Contest extended

The Mardi Gras Contest deadline has been extended to March 8th. Please see details here.

I goofed in looking at the calendar and thought there was an additional week in there somewhere when setting the original deadline date? This short month of February always gets me confused (or at least that is my excuse, lol). I’m sorry this caused people to be pressed for time to enter. I hope the extension allows more people to have a chance to win the Mardi Gras Viewer’s Choice prize.

For this contest, it doesn’t matter if your HeartStrings project was from years ago, or even if it still is in the works. Just post a picture of it on the HeartStringsFiberArts Facebook fan page along with name of HeartStrings pattern. We’d love to see what you are doing/have done, so we can ‘like’ it and help you win.

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